Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So, I hate working. I don't hate my job, I just hate to work. This is confusing. I'm a hard worker, I am not afraid of physical labor. (In fact I rather like it) But I hate that feeling of "I must do this now." Interestingly, many of my hobbies could be jobs. I like to work on cars. I like to turn trees into firewood (only if they had the idea 1st by dying). I like to build things, etc. One would think, "Awesome. Do one of those things for a living and you will be happy." Nope. I've tried. It just makes them un-fun. I love to read, but assignments when I was in school and things I need to read for my job now make me run screaming in the other direction. How does one solve this? I am at a complete loss. It makes every day full of things I enjoy doing into drudgery. Maybe I should stop cashing my paychecks. Or better yet, learn how to counterfeit. Oh, wait, no, that would just make it feel like work to "make money." Dammit. I'm sure everyone feels a certain amount of this, but I am often overcome by it. Maybe I can get people to pay me for things secretly. You know, ask me to volunteer, and then give my wife a bunch of money. Hello, state of minnesota? Could you "pretend" to fire me? That'd be awesome. Thanks. Fuck.

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