Monday, July 14, 2008

The barn party that has never in the barn.

Saturday we had our 6th annual "I only see my friends once a year" party. I have always been known as an inattentive friend, but moving to the country and working in an over-active theatre department have only magnified that. So this once a year occasion is always awesome. This year was no exception. Jason Schaefer always comes early and leaves last, or second to last. Jason is not really my friend, he is my brother. He was at the hospital when I was born, we were in the same playpen as infants and no matter what happened, we have never not been close. We always manage to squeeze in a game of golf when he's over and that time is as close to childhood as I ever feel anymore. The two of us outside doing stupid things like drinking alot of beer in the hot sun. Wait, that was me, and we didn't do that when we were kids. Tyler always comes as well, if for a shorter time. He and I met in kindergarten and even through me calling him Optimus Crime when he had a grade school penchant for stealing transformers, we have remained friends. I never fail to be happy to see him with his wonderful family. I was never really sure a girl would date him, much less bear his children. Bob Erickson is another steadfast friend who I have known since the fourth grade. I, more than with any other friend, have given Bob plenty of reasons to not like me, as he is the only poor bastard who lived with me. (That I can still call a friend anyway. . . .) Butch almost never comes. He's a dick. There are more friends and their MANY children who come and we always have a good time that I think about the rest of the year. Thanks everyone for making me feel loved, even though I never call.

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