Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How did Dad do it? Oh yeah, he's a fucking genius.

Here I sit in my office waiting for the first day of a class I've been pushing to teach for awhile. The class is very specifically in my area and I feel like I have a good handle on the field, but class prep has never been my strength. I can put together a nice looking syllabus and give a lecture and lead a discussion, sure. But I'm always just waiting for that enormous flaw in the order of topics or assignment/lecture coincidence that I always seem to produce. The worst part about this particular class is that it has a couple students who are quite sure that there is nothing they need to learn, they just need to get minted as graduates so they can start earning a little 401k. Now, I know how much they could learn, but it's like heading to your neighbor's house to babysit the kid you know is going to make up rules his parents never gave him to just try and manipulate you into a near death experience. The longest walk my little feet have felt since the first one 32 years ago across a bunch of hippie rag rugs in my parents living room. Those things need rubber backing.

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